Can You Sleep With Clip In Hair Extensions


Clip in hair extensions are a popular and convenient way to add length, volume, and style to your hair. However, many people wonder if it is safe or even possible to sleep with them on. The good news is that you can definitely sleep with clip in hair extensions without any worries. In fact, sleeping with clip ins can help maintain their shape and ensure they last longer.

In this guide, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of sleeping with clip in hair extensions and give you some tips to make the process as comfortable as possible. Whether you're a first-time clip in user or a seasoned pro, this guide will help you get a good night's sleep with your extensions on.

What Are Clip In Hair Extensions?

Clip in hair extensions are temporary hair extensions that can be easily clipped into your natural hair to add length, volume, and/or colour. They are made up of small wefts of hair with a clip attached to the top. The clips are designed to securely grip onto your natural hair without causing any damage.

Clip ins come in various sizes, styles, and colour, making it easy to find the perfect match for your hair. They are also available in both synthetic and human hair options, with human hair being the most popular choice due to its ability to blend seamlessly with natural hair and its versatility in styling.

Unlike other types of extensions that require professional installation and removal, clip ins can be easily applied and removed at home. This makes them a great choice for those who want to enhance their hair temporarily without committing to a more permanent solution.

Benefits of Sleeping With Clip In Hair Extensions

Contrary to popular belief, sleeping with clip in hair extensions can actually be beneficial for your hair. As mentioned earlier, wearing them while you sleep can help maintain their shape and prolong their lifespan. This is because they are less likely to tangle or get damaged when secured onto your head.

Additionally, sleeping with clip in hair extensions can save you time and effort in the morning. You won't have to spend time removing them before bed or reapplying them in the morning, which can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule.

Furthermore, some people find that sleeping with clip ins can help protect their natural hair from breakage and damage. This is because the extensions act as a barrier between your hair and your pillow, reducing friction and preventing tangles.

And lastly, for those who struggle with hair loss or thinning, sleeping with clip in knotty hair extensions can provide a sense of security and boost self-confidence. The added volume and length can make you feel more comfortable and beautiful, even while you sleep.

Can You Sleep With Clip In Hair Extensions?

Now, onto the question that brought you here – can you really sleep with clip in hair extensions? The answer is yes! As long as you follow some basic guidelines, sleeping with clip ins can be perfectly safe and even beneficial for your hair.

Also, it's important to note that clip ins are not meant to be worn 24/7. It is recommended to remove them before sleeping and allow your scalp and hair to breathe. However, if you do decide to sleep with them on occasion, make sure you follow these tips:

  • Be gentle when lying down: Avoid tossing and turning too much while wearing clip in hair extensions. The clips can become loose or misaligned, causing discomfort and potentially damaging your natural hair.

  • Loosen the clips: Before going to bed, gently loosen the clips of your extensions to reduce tension on your scalp and prevent any pulling or tugging while you sleep.

  • Use a satin pillowcase: Satin is a smooth material that reduces friction and keeps your hair smooth. Using a satin pillowcase can help prevent tangles and preserve the quality of your extensions.

  • Tie your hair up: If you have longer clip ins, it's best to tie your hair up in a loose ponytail or braid before going to bed. This will keep the extensions in place and prevent them from tangling while you sleep.

  • Don't sleep with wet hair: It's important to make sure your clip ins are completely dry before going to bed. Sleeping with wet hair can cause the extensions to become tangled and potentially damage your natural hair.

Following these tips will help ensure that you have a comfortable and safe sleep while wearing clip in hair extensions.

Can You Wear Clip In Hair Extensions Every Night?

While it is technically possible to sleep with clip in hair extensions every night, it's not recommended. As mentioned earlier, it's important to allow your natural hair and scalp to breathe by removing the extensions before bed.

Wearing clip ins every night can put unnecessary tension on your scalp and hair follicles, which can lead to breakage and hair loss over time. It's also important to give your extensions a break from constant wear and tear.

If you're someone who likes to have longer or fuller hair every day, consider investing in multiple sets of clip ins so you can rotate them and allow each set some rest time.

Another option is to try out other types of extensions that are designed to be worn for longer periods, such as tape ins or sewn-in extensions. These require less maintenance and can stay in your hair for weeks at a time.

And remember, always make sure to properly care for and maintain your clip in hair extensions to ensure their quality and longevity. With proper maintenance and occasional breaks from wearing them at night, you can safely enjoy the benefits of clip ins without any damage or discomfort.

Does Sleeping With Clip Ins Damage Your Hair?

The short answer is no, sleeping with clip in hair extensions does not necessarily damage your hair. However, improper care and maintenance can lead to potential damage.

If you wear your clip ins every night without loosening the clips or tying your hair up, it can cause tension on your scalp and potentially damage your natural hair. This is why it's important to follow the guidelines mentioned earlier and give your extensions a break from constant wear.

Additionally, not properly detangling or brushing your clip ins before bed can also lead to damage. It's important to gently brush out any knots or tangles before sleeping to prevent matting and tangling while you sleep.

Another factor to consider is the quality of your clip ins. Low-quality extensions can be made with harsh materials and cause damage to your natural hair, regardless of whether you sleep with them or not. It's important to invest in high-quality clip ins and properly care for them to ensure their safety.

Mistakes to Avoid When Sleeping With Clip In Hair Extensions

As we've mentioned, sleeping with clip in hair extensions can be safe and even beneficial for your hair. However, there are some common mistakes that people make when wearing them at night.

Here are a few things to avoid:

  • Sleeping without tying your hair up: Leaving your clip ins loose while sleeping can lead to tangling and knotting, which can be damaging to both the extensions and your natural hair.

  • Sleeping with wet or damp hair: As mentioned earlier, make sure your clip ins are completely dry before going to bed. Sleeping with wet hair can cause tangling and damage.

  • Not properly caring for your extensions: Proper maintenance is key to ensure the longevity and quality of your clip ins. This includes brushing them out before bed, storing them in a safe place, and using sulfate-free products when washing them.

  • Wearing them every night without breaks: As mentioned earlier, it's important to give your extensions a break from constant wear in order to prevent damage and maintain their quality.

  • Using low-quality extensions: Cheaper clip in hair extensions may seem like a good deal, but they can be made with harsh materials that can damage your natural hair. It's important to invest in high-quality extensions with proper care and maintenance.

  • Not following manufacturer guidelines: Each brand may have different recommendations for care and maintenance of their clip ins. It's important to follow these guidelines to ensure the safety and longevity of your extensions.

By avoiding these mistakes and properly caring for your clip ins, you can enjoy the benefits of longer and fuller hair without any damage.

Why Choose Clip In Hair Extensions for Overnight Wear?

Clip in hair extensions are a popular choice for dry overnight wear because they offer convenience, versatility, and safety. Unlike other types of extensions that may require professional installation or constant maintenance, clip ins can easily be put on and taken off by yourself. This makes them perfect for those who want longer or fuller hair for a special occasion or event.

Additionally, clip ins can be easily styled and customized to fit your desired look. You have the option of choosing different lengths, textures, and colour without committing to a permanent change.

And as mentioned earlier, with proper care and maintenance, clip in hair extensions pose minimal risk of damage to your natural hair. They also allow your scalp and hair to breathe while you sleep, promoting healthy hair growth.

Tips for Sleeping Comfortably with Clip In Hair Extensions

If you do choose to sleep with clip in hair extensions, there are a few tips that can help ensure your comfort and safety.

  • Loosen the clips: Before going to bed, make sure to loosen the clips on your extensions. This will release any tension on your scalp and allow your hair to move freely while you sleep.

  • Tie your hair up: As mentioned earlier, tying your hair up in a loose braid or bun can help prevent tangling and damage while you sleep.

  • Use a silk pillowcase or head scarf: Silk is a smooth material that minimizes friction between your hair and the surface it's resting on. Using a silk pillowcase or wrapping your hair in a silk head scarf can help prevent tangling and matting.

  • Don't sleep on wet hair: As mentioned earlier, make sure your clip ins are completely dry before going to bed. Wet hair is more prone to damage and tangling while you sleep.

By following these tips, you can sleep comfortably with clip in hair extensions and wake up to beautiful, well-maintained extensions in the morning.


Can I sleep with clip-in extensions in my hair?

Sleeping with clip-in hair extensions is generally not recommended. Doing so can lead to damage not only to the extensions themselves but also to your own hair. The friction between the extensions and your pillow can cause both your natural locks and the synthetic hair extensions to become tangled or knotty. For the health of your hair and the longevity of your extensions, it's best to remove them before you fall asleep.

How do I protect my synthetic hair extensions if I accidentally fall asleep wearing them?

If you do happen to fall asleep with your synthetic extensions in, it's important to minimize damage when you wake up. Start by gently detangling any knots using a wide-tooth comb, working from the ends up to the roots to avoid pulling. If your extensions are heat-friendly, you may use a low heat setting for styling to smooth out any kinks. However, regularly sleeping in them should be avoided to prevent matting and tangling.

Is there a way to wear my hair to bed to reduce damage if I have clip-in extensions?

Yes, if you must keep your clip-in extensions in overnight, try styling your hair in a loose, low ponytail to reduce tension and friction on both the extensions and your own hair. This can help prevent your hair from becoming knotty. However, this is more of a temporary solution, and the best practice is to remove the extensions before sleeping.

What care should I take the morning after sleeping with my clip-in hair extensions?

After a night of wearing clip-in extensions, give both your extensions and your own hair some extra TLC. Consider a deep conditioning treatment for your natural locks to replenish moisture and reduce frizz caused by friction. For the extensions, especially if they're made of synthetic hair, gently brush them out and check for any signs of damage. Regular heat styling of synthetic extensions should be avoided, but if necessary, ensure it's on a low heat setting to prevent melting or warping the fibers.


In conclusion, sleeping with clip in hair extensions can be safe and beneficial for your hair as long as you properly care for them and take breaks from constant wear. By avoiding common mistakes and following proper guidelines, you can enjoy the convenience and versatility of clip ins without any damage or discomfort.

Remember to invest in high-quality extensions, follow manufacturer guidelines, and prioritize proper maintenance for the best results. With these tips in mind, you can confidently wear clip in hair extensions for overnight wear and wake up to beautiful, voluminous hair every morning.

Filomena Salon Coquitlam is an award-winning hair salon located on Schoolhouse Street in Coquitlam. We are specialists in hair extensions, hair colour and other professional hair services.

If you are considering a new colour or style for your hair, contact us. We’ll walk you through all the options to ensure your choice of colour reflects your personality and complexion.

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David McAlinden